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In 2021 BAYHOST offers grants for students and young researchers who would like to participate in a summer school in Bavaria or Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe respectively (online or offline).

Further information regarding the application process is available on our website <...

Универзитет у Нишу објављује информацију о конкурсу за стипендије баварске Владе (Баварски високошколски центар за Средњу, Источну и Југоисточну Европу – BAYHOST) за летње курсеве немачког језика за 2021. годину.

Рок за пријављивање на конкурс је 23. март 2021. године.

Све информ...

понедељак, 25 јануар 2021 13:12

Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2021

 The University of Niš is pleased to inform you about our new scholarship offers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses in 2021. The scholarships for courses in Bavaria include tuition fees, accommodation and meals; in case of online course the course fee will be covered.

The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2021/22 viaстип. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukrain...

петак, 24 јануар 2020 12:19

Scholarships for German language courses in Bavaria 2020

Information about new scholarship offers of the Free State of Bavaria for German language courses in 2020. The scholarships include tuition fees, accommodation and meals.

Students and young academics of all disciplines with intermediate German proficiency (at least B1-level) from Albania,...

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