Akdeniz University from Turkey announce Mevlana Exchange Programme 2015-2016 academic year student and academic staff applications. Procedure for Mevlana Exchange Programme
Scholarship & Research Grant In Poland is open for candidates from Central Europe, the Balkans, the Baltic States, Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia & the Caucasus. More information: http://www.skubi.net/stypendium2015_en.html
Француско-српска привредна комора и ове године додељује 3 новчане награде за студенте. Овогодишње (2015) студентске награде се додељују на тему „Како се борити против климатских промена и њихових последица?“. Студентска…
Weiser center for Europe and Eurasia University of Michigan invites applications for the Weiser Professional Development Avards. Weiser center for Europe and Eurasia University of Michigan invites applications for the…