Lem Prize Team would like to announce the 4th edition of the competition for the Stanisław Lem European Research Prize, organized by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The competition is addressed to young scientists (max. 40 years old) who have made a significa...
In order to enhance disaster awareness, foster cultural interaction, and promote a culture of collaborative work within the Balkan Cities Cooperation Platform, a competition will be organized among university students focusing on disaster and emergency/disaster response and search and rescue team...
In order to enhance disaster awareness, foster cultural interaction, and promote a culture of collaborative work within the Balkan Cities Cooperation Platform, a competition will be organized among university students focusing on disaster and emergency/disaster response and search and rescue team...
Универзитет у Нишу информише студенте да GreenBrained тим објављује позив за такмичење студентских идеја везаних за Европски зелени договор.
Петоро најбољих учесника (студената треће или четврте године основних студија) Универзитета у Нишу ће у оквиру мобилности пројекта GreenBrained отпу...
Kompanija British American Тобаццо тренутно има отворену регистрацију за такмичење Battle of Minds<https://competition.bat-battleofminds.com/>.