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четвртак, 16 март 2023 11:02

Најава предавање Центра за когнитивне науке

Центар за когнитивне науке Универзитета у Нишу организује предавање проф. Ане Бонифаци са Универзитета у Келну под називом "Tears in music: towards a cognitive-semiotic account".

Предавање ће се одржати (уживо) у среду, 22. марта 2023. у згради Универзитета (приземље, сала број 8), са почетком од 18 сати.Позивамо све заинтересоване да нам се придруже на предавању.

Apstrakt: This paper presents the results of a pilot investigation on a sample of 21 Western-music songs thematizing weeping - and ranging in genre and age. Initial input comes from recurrent features in ancient Greek mentions of tears associated with performative events; they include the prominence of sound, interjections, strong self-referentiality, repetitions and refrains, the motif of endlessness, and tears associated with streams of water, dew, and libation liquids. The analysis of modern and contemporary songs and arias adopts a cognitive-semiotic approach: it focuses on the semiotic complexity derived from the integration of multiple modalities/modes (weeping, lyrics, music (including musical notation), and images, in different combinations), and on the cognitive mappings emerging from several observable metonymic, metaphorical, and iconic cross-modal relations.